Staying Centered Within Your Own Power


Taking the time to fully notice how you show up in the world can be a good way to stay centered within your own power.

To me what the idea of staying centered within your own power means is being strong in who you are in a kind compassionate way. Examples of ways to nurture this feeling on the inside as well as letting it reveal itself are: taking the time to meditate every day, acting within my boundaries within this frame is slowing down enough to notice what kind of energy you are putting out to the universe, as well as taking the time to ground yourself on a regular basis in order to not take on other peopleโ€™s energy. As I am guided by my faith I find that balancing my ego with the idea of staying confident also plays into staying centered within your own power.

As we move through the world it is crucial to form your own truth. For me, that has meant counseling, reading lots of books, allowing simple moments to be lessons of what I want to work on next, my various and extensive amount of schooling, lots of different forms of yoga including chanting, and singing bowl yoga. It is best if we each find our own way to what truth means to us deep inside.

For me, I am a go with the flow ride the wave sort of personality. I feel it is important to stay that way. However, in doing so I have found a deep love for my own practice which changes depending on what my needs are that day. Keep in mind it took me more than 15 years to find what worked for me. I did a lot of experimenting with what did not work to find out what does. One example of that is my mantra practice, I shift it and change it quite regularly. I create them by what my body is asking for that day or moment.

This is where I find it is strongly vital to have a self care regimen. I find the more focused on my self care practice I am the brighter I show up in the world. One of the biggest pieces of my self care has been eating for my body in a healthful but not too rigid way. As I shift what that means to me a little at a time I find more space to show up centered in my own power. Part of tuning into what works best is what works in your own body. The most important piece to my self care is tuning into the true rhythm of the body that I have been given. That can mean to pause and check in with it periodically. This self check in can assist with choices of food, choices of activities and simply what is going on inside in any given moment.

My recipe for staying happy in this sometimes crazy world is to approach the world with a positive kind attitude. That attitude along with a dose of openness has made a huge difference in the shift I am currently taking on intentionally. When the stakes are high and life gets hectic for me I approach life with passion and a helping hand. I enjoy working within my own boundaries to stay centered within my own power.

The most prominent idea for staying centered within your own power is taking time for yourself. That looks different for everyone and even different depending on the needs that day. Some days this can mean a gentle hike, a short road trip, a walk along the beach or simply creating space within your own home. Another idea of self care for me can simply be taking a few minutes to be in a coffee shop observing the happenings around me. A rich and rewarding way to get something out of this experience is to take in the sounds, the smells and allow your senses to open up to what shows up. What sometimes comes from these little experiences are moments of contentment and inspiration. Take the time to honor who you are in every moment by simply being you.


Salmon and Spinach Salad with Balsamic Vinegar Dressing